Mohanlal sporting a twirled up moustache was always considered manly and when he sported it in films like ‘Aram Thampuran’ & ‘Narasimham’ people celebrated it and film did a roaring business. Recently during the 100 days celebration of Oppam Nivin Pauly got the rare chance to twitch the moustache of Mohanlal and that video is going viral now.
Mohanlal had said earlier in so many interviews that he twirls up his moustache when the story and character demands it and it is not Mohanlal intentionally doing it. But in the 100 days celebration of Oppam Mohanlal did it after the request from Nivin Pauly. In fact, he asked Nivin Pauly to do it for him.
Mohanlal had said earlier in so many interviews that he twirls up his moustache when the story and character demands it and it is not Mohanlal intentionally doing it. But in the 100 days celebration of Oppam Mohanlal did it after the request from Nivin Pauly. In fact, he asked Nivin Pauly to do it for him.
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